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The municipalities


  • 2024 photo contest under the theme “Calm”

    Participate to the photo contest held yearly by the MRC as of September 27 as part of Les Journées de la culture activities and you stand a chance of winning one of many cash prizes. The winning photographs will be exhibited for a year in the entrance hall of the MRC.

    The registration form can be downloaded below.

    You are also invited to vote for your favourite picture.

    Good luck to all!

  • Affiche Calme 04

Judging criteria

  • Compliance with the theme — Calm
  • Originality of the subject
  • Emotions awakened
  • Applied techniques
  • Composition and colours


1. You must be a resident of the MRC du Haut-Saint-Laurent or attend one of the schools on its territory. The MRC’s municipalities are: Dundee, Elgin, Franklin, Godmanchester, Havelock, Hinchinbrooke, Howick, Huntingdon, Ormstown, Saint-Anicet, Saint-Chrysostome, Sainte-Barbe and Très-Saint-Sacrement.

2. You must complete the entry form available on the MRC’s website at and send it with your well-identified photos (maximum of 3 photos per participant, 8 x 10 inches* approximate printed size, without frame or rigid backing). In your mailing, you must include a digital copy of your pictures well-identified by their title on a CD or email them to the MRC Cultural Development Agent. Ensure the MRC receives all by September 18, 2024.

3. Pictures will not be returned unless you include a prepaid return envelope in your mailing. Due to the amount of participants and in order to maintain the proper conduct of services and activities offered by your MRC, it will not be possible to retrieve your pictures in person.

4. Pictures must respect the theme “Calm”.

5. The pictures will be exhibited from September 27 to October 27, 2024.

6. Voting will take place on September 28.

7. Intellectual property: The participants keep the intellectual property of their pictures. However, by entering the contest, participants authorize the MRC to publish their pictures for the following purposes: communication, promotion and conduct of the photography contest, with the photographer’s name.

8. Every picture will be handled carefully, however the MRC cannot be held responsible if damages or losses occur during the Photo Contest Exhibit.

* Portrait or landscape photographs must be between 8 and 9 inches in one direction and between 10 and 11 inches in the other, in an approximate 4:5 ratio. Other print sizes and ratios (e.g. 6:9 or panoramic) will not be accepted.

2023 Winners | Enchantment

Youth Category

Jury’s 1st place

Romance glacée, by Gabrielle Provost

Jury’s 2nd place

Le duo enchanté, by Magalie Beauchamp

Jury’s 3rd place

Sauvé par la créature mystique, by Mia Trudel

Winner of the Public vote

Magie dans le ciel, by Gabrielle Provost

Adult Category

Jury’s 1st place

Grandfather's Magic, by Yvonne Lewis Langlois

Jury’s 2nd place

Hatchling, by Susan Ovans

Jury’s 3rd place

Le grand saut, by Gabrielle Limoges

Winner of the Public vote

Séduit par la nature, by Noëlla Quesnel

It is strictly forbidden to use any of the pictures above without the written consent of the photographer and the appropriate credit.

2022 Winners | Chaos

Youth Category

Jury’s 1st place and Winner of the Public vote

Univers chaotique, by Gabrielle Provost

Jury’s 2nd place

Fissuré, by Catherine D'Amour

Jury’s 3rd place

Honey, by Maxym Marcil

Adult category

Jury’s 1st place and Winner of the Public vote

Lueur d'espoir dans le désordre, by Nancy Hébert

Jury’s 2nd place

Direction chaotique, by Oswald Merz Jr.

Jury’s 3rd place

À la vitesse de la lumière, by William Cloutier

It is strictly forbidden to use any of the pictures above without the written consent of the photographer and the appropriate credit.

2021 Winners | Evolution

Youth Category

Jury’s 1st place

Cactus grandissant, by Maxym Marcil

Jury’s 2nd place

Évolution orangée, by Magalie Beauchamp

Jury’s 3rd place

Back to the future, by Gabrielle Provost

Winner of the Public vote

Feuillage d'automne, by Maxym Marcil

Adult Category

Jury’s 1st place

Vivante, by Manon Béatrice Gauthier

Jury’s 2nd place

Evolution of life, by Michel Martin

Jury’s 3rd place

La p'tite famille de mes voisins, by Suzanne Olivier

Winner of the Public vote

L'amour, by Mona Dumas

It is strictly forbidden to use any of the pictures above without the written consent of the photographer and the appropriate credit.

2020 Winners | Spark

Youth Category

Jury’s 1st place and Winner of the Public vote

Espace en bleu, by Magalie Beauchamp

Jury’s 2nd place

L’étincelle dans ses yeux, by Gabrielle Provost

Jury’s 3rd place

La beauté de la nature, by Catherine D’Amour

Adult Category

Jury’s 1st place

Skate Park, by Jonathan Brown

Jury’s 2nd place

Galaxie rocheuse, by Mona Dumas

Jury’s 3rd place

Éclats de nuages, by Manon Gauthier

Winner of the Public vote

Étincelle matinale, by Chantal Bergevin

It is strictly forbidden to use any of the pictures above without the written consent of the photographer and the appropriate credit.

2019 Winners | Passage

Youth Category

Jury’s 1st place

Le passage du temps, by Gabrielle Provost

Jury’s 2nd place

Coucher de soleil dans les rues de Brooklyn, by Trista Goundrey

Jury’s 3rd place

Le passage du train, by Gabrielle Provost

Winner of the Public vote

Through the Forest, de Caitlin Frost

Adult Category

Jury’s 1st place

The Way Through, by Yvonne Lewis Langlois

Jury’s 2nd place

Watch Me, by Carrolyn O’Grady

Jury’s 3rd place

Trouée matinale, by Sylvie Thibaudeau

Winner of the Public vote

Path to the Past, by Lexie Tucker

It is strictly forbidden to use any of the pictures above without the written consent of the photographer and the appropriate credit.

2018 Winners | Space

Youth Category

Jury’s 1st place

Au cœur de l'interstellaire, by Sabrina Vaillancourt

Jury’s 2nd place

Up above and beyond, by Sabrina Vaillancourt

Jury’s 3rd place and winner of the Public vote

Espace royal, by Trista Goundrey

Adult Category

Jury’s 1st place

Fabrique de nuages, by Normand Jacob

Jury’s 2nd place

Trumptowers, by Yvonne Lewis Langlois

Jury’s 3rd place

Sinistre distance, byNancy Brunelle

Winner of the Public vote

Incoming, by Yvonne Lewis Langlois

It is strictly forbidden to use any of the pictures above without the written consent of the photographer and the appropriate credit.

2017 Winners | Encounter

Youth Category

Jury’s 1st place

Ceraunophilia, by Kelly Dagenais

Jury’s 2nd place and winner of the Public vote

Le fruit d'une rencontre, by Sabrina Vaillancourt

Jury’s 3rd

Rencontrer et raconter, by Kelly Dagenais

Adult Category

Jury’s 1st place

Into the Mystic, by Yvonne Lewis Langlois

Jury’s 2nd place

Voir les yeux fermés, by Normand Jacob

Jury’s 3rd place

Rencontre hebdomadaire d'une passion, by Anik Bergevin

Winner of the Public vote

Discovered, by Yvonne Lewis Langlois

It is strictly forbidden to use any of the pictures above without the written consent of the photographer and the appropriate credit.

2016 Winners | Dream

Youth Category

Jury’s 1st place

Day Dream, by Denver Buckman

Jury’s 2nd place

Nuit de rêve

Nuit de rêve, by Kelly Dagenais

Jury’s 3rd place

Awake from a bad dream, by Dylan Buckman

Winner of the Public vote

Au bout de ses rêves, by Kelly Dagenais

Adulte category

Jury’s 1st place

Vers la lumière, by Céline Montpetit

Jury’s 2nd place

Quelque part au milieu de l’Atlantique, by Anik Bergevin

Jury’s 3rd place

The return hom, by Yvonne Lewis Langlois

Winner of the Public vote

Vers la lumière, by Céline Montpetit

It is strictly forbidden to use any of the pictures above without the written consent of the photographer and the appropriate credit.


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