Saint Chrysostome Municipalite Mrc Haut Saint Laurent
Located in the eastern portion of the Haut-Saint-Laurent, between Très-Saint-Sacrement to the north and Havelock to the south, the municipality of Saint-Chrysostome includes a large village centre, a small hamlet (Aubrey) and the Russeltown Flatts, where the the oldest church in the region, the Russeltown Church, built in 1826, is still well preserved. The bucolic landscape, architectural heritage and ancestral farms found within its territory simply add to its beauty.
Located at the foot of Covey Hill and surrounded
by a large wooded area, the citizens of Saint-Chrysostome benefit from
infrastructure and a number of local shops offering all the essential products
and services.
624 Rang Notre-Dame, 2nd floor
Saint-Chrysostome (Québec) J0S 1R0
Phone: 450 826-3911
Fax: 450 826-0568
Mayor: Steve Laberge
General Director and Clerk-Treasurer: Jessy Létourneau
Councillors: Mario Henderson, Marc Roy, Jean-Luc Payant, Richard Beaudin, Martin Lafond, Suzan Demers
Town Hall
Demonym and geographic code
Chrysostomian 69017
Area (km)
The municipality of Saint-Chrysostome was constituted on September 29, 1999, following the amalgamation of the municipality of the village of Saint-Chrysostome (1902) and the parish municipality of Saint-Jean-Chrysostome (-de-Russeltown). The Russeltown appellation, attributed to the southeastern portion of the Seigneury de Beauharnois, comes from the graphic tradition of that time, that the name of one of the sons of Lord Ellice be attributed to the territorial divisions of the seigneury by the surveyor (1800). The current name of the municipality celebrates the glory of Jean Chrysostome, whose name in Greek means “mouth of gold” and bears witness to the extraordinary eloquence of this preacher and Bishop of Constantinople (398), father of the Eastern Church. (Source: Quebec Toponymy Commission)
Saint-Chrysostome Parsonage
© Municipalité de Saint-Chrysostome
St Matthew's Church - demolished
© Jarold Dumouchel