Dundee Municipalite Mrc Haut Saint Laurent
A green oasis, the Township of Dundee is bordered on the south by the US border, on the north by the St. Lawrence River and on the west by the Akwesasne Mohawk Reserve.
The municipality is characterized by the presence of numerous wetlands and marshes, which play an important ecological role for the flora and fauna of Lake Saint-François. A vast area of ecological interest was established in 1972 by the Canadian Wildlife Service to preserve and enhance the unique and fragile wetland ecosystem. The Lake Saint-François National Wildlife Area received official status in 1978 and was recognized in 1987 under the RAMSAR Convention as a “Wetland of International Importance”.
The municipality has a small village centre
commonly referred to as Sainte-Agnès-de-Dundee. Cottage communities are also
located within the municipality, on the shores of Lake Saint-François:
Pointe-Leblanc, Place Caza, Pointe-Gordon, Pointe-Fraser and Pointe-Hopkins.
The Dundee Border Crossing is accessible via Route 132. The Salmon River winds
its way through the municipality.
3296, Smallman Sideroad
Dundee (Québec) J0S 1L0
Phone: 450-264-4674
Fax: 450-264-8044
Email: info@cantondundee.ca
Mayor: Linda Gagnon
Director General and clerk-treasurer: Marc Michot
Councillors: Raymond Lazure, Marc Myre, Michel Dupuis, Justin Nieuwenhof, Marie Myre, Daibhid Fraser
Hotel De Ville Dundee
Demonym and geographic code
Dundier 69075
Area (km)
The municipality of Dundee Township, established
in 1845 (official constitution in 1855), is located a few kilometres southwest
of Saint-Anicet. It derives its name, as its status reflects, from the township
established in 1831. It is bordered to the south by the American border and to the north
by Lake Saint-François, in the Montérégie region. This denomination, which was
used to identify the local post office between 1830 and 1968, serves as a
reminder that John Davidson, considered to have founded the municipality upon
settling along the banks of the Salmon River where the village is today
located, hailed from the eastern port city of the same name in Angus County. He
also served as the village postmaster. The parish of Sainte-Agnès-de-Dundee
came into being in 1863 as a result of its canonical establishment. This was
followed in 1864 by official recognition at the secular level. (Source: Quebec
Toponymy Commission)
Dundee Saint Francois A Lacroix
Dundee Rive Saint Francois A Lacroix